Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Market Night Tuesday 4th December 8pm AEDST

I know its been a while since I've posted on here, its been busy between preparing for markets, 3 weeks in hospital with William and then school transitions with Kaitlyn.

As some of you may have noticed we've been back into markets again, starting with the Casey Loves Cloth Nappy Expo on the 24th November and then yesterday the Karingal PLACE Christmas  Market.

I am holding an online Christmas Market Night tomorrow night, 4th December starting from 8pm AEDST. I will try to upload an album tomorrow morning so you can look through and work out which items you want to snap up!

As I mentioned on Facebook earlier, I am going to offer two 'front of the pack passes' and in order to do this you need to:
1. Be a liker of my page
2. Comment below this post if youd like to be in the running with an email address you can be contacted on 30mins prior to the starting time of the Market night (i.e. 7:30pm). 

I will two winners and announce them here on my blog at 7:30pm 4th December, and also email you.

Til tomorrow night....


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